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my albino corn snake

22 15:37:37

my albino corn snake has not sheded for about 3 months and where i keep him is about degrees and i don't know why she is not shedding is it cause of the winter is here?????please help ASAP.

Hi Joe
No need to worry!!!! You didn't mention how old your snake is or the exact temperature of the tank. But to ease your is normal for snakes during the winter months to go into a type of hibernation (aka:brumation)  They will be less active and slow way down on shedding.  In fact a couple of my adult snakes don't shed for 4 months during the winter time.  Just keep doing what your doing and make sure he has access to fresh water at all times.  Eventually his eyes will turn "blue" and shedding will occur :-)  Thanks for writing.