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Bad Shed for a King Snake

22 15:20:50

My snake had a problem shedding, his skin was lose and away from his body but around his head was not ready to come off so he did not try to rub the skin off so i though i would leave him a lone for a couple of days and see how he was doing and still nothing so i decided to take the lose skin off my self and once i got it off it smelled bad so i ran warm water over him to get the smell off and it worked but now his skin is wrinkled looking and hes very sensitive to every thing like spraying him or just barely touching him. Please tell me what is wrong or what i can do? Thank You Latisha

Sounds like there might be a problem in the cage.  What substrate are you using, what's the temp, what the humidity?  King snake can be picky about humidity sometimes, I'm guessing maybe your cage is too wet.  BUT!!!  As I can't see it and I'm not a vet- I'M GUESSING.  Best bet if it looks serious call the vet.