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White spot on my 5 ft Corn snakes eye

22 15:20:32

I have an 8 yr old 5 ft long Corn snake and about 4 sheds ago he didnt shed completely on one eye I managed to get it off but He seems like he's going to shed and there is a big white spot in the middle of the eye the the shedding didnt come off all the way. Is this something to be concerned about or will it get better over time. Anything will be helpful, he's a big part of my families life and I want him to have good health. Thank you

It is best to let it come off naturally, so please do not pick at it, you can cause the snake to go blind. My advice is to put mineral oil on the eye daily until she sheds again or the spot goes away. This will lubricate the piece and make it easier to come off on its own. Thanks for your question Meredith and I hope this helps!