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my snake died

22 15:36:08

two weeks ago i rescued a corn snake off someone who wasn't looking after her properly,and apparently hadn't eaten for a while. she had a big sort of burn on her side about 3in long, and about 2in past her head ad also bits of skin was shedding,and she wasn't eating i took her to the vets and he said it would heal on its own and that she would eat after she had shedded, but her skin went baggy and yellow stuff was coming out of her bum and she was sick her water but i thought that was her shedding i bought her everything vitamin supplements for water everything she needed, kept her at around 30'c she seemed fine and two weeks later she died, even though the vet told me she wouldn't eat i still tried just incase but she just wasn't interested, could you tell me what went wrong

Sometimes it doesn't matter how much care you put into it if they are in bad condition to begin with. If she hadn't eaten in awhile, that would make healing harder for her. Burns put stress on the snake and also make healing harder. Neglect is a hard thing to come back from, and it is very possible that she had internal problems that could not be fixed.