Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Ball Python-Baytril

Ball Python-Baytril

22 15:27:01

The past couples weeks my three year old ball python has been have runny/bloody diarrhea. Today I took her to a herp specialist in my town, he recogmended trying Baytril. My questions are, is this a good choice? How do i use it? Can it be harmful to her? (i read on another site that it could be)And finally any idea what it could be?
Thanks alot:)

hi Sara

your snake sounds like it either has parasites in the bowels or has got an infection in the bowels. baytril may help.

its an antibiotic that can help infections. its administered into the muscle via injection this should be done by a vet. if its administered intravenously it can be fatal. this website has more info on baytril: however if its parasites you will need to take your snake to a vet so they can identify which parasite is the problem and give you the correct medication.

it may be worth increasing your temperatures slightly. this can help snakes fight off infections.

i hope this helps,
