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Kenyan Sand Boa feeding

22 15:30:44

When I purchased my snake he had been fed only about 6 or seven times before, once a week. He had been eating both frozen and live pinkies and was listed as a really good eater. I know he is a baby, however I'm not sure how old he is, and the store owners said he had six more months of growing left. The first time I fed him he had no problem eating. However, Ive tried feeding him the past two nights and he won't eat. Ive read that there is a period in the winter when they don't need to be fed at all, but I'm not sure. So my question is this. Do I really not have to feed him for a while? If so when should I start feeding him again and what should I do about handling him during this time? If not then what would you suggest I do to try to persuade him to eat?

 There is a time in the winter where most snakes act weird. Some eat like craze and others refuse food. There seems to be a ebb and flow to the whole thing regardless of the breed. I would keep trying to feed him every 3 to 4 days until he eats. Snakes can go a long time without food, especially if your husbandry is correct. Double check that your husbandry is correct, keep trying to feed, and all should be fine in time.