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Corn snake help

22 15:33:21

I'm 16, and I'm trying to convince my parents to let me buy a corn snake.
I've never owned a snake before, but once introduced to the corn snake by my biology teacher, I fell in love.
Well, neither of my parents particulary like snakes, but I discussed it with my dad, and he was concerned about the fact that we have a little Jack Russell Terrier.
I used to have gerbils and he was just great with them, but I was wondering how corn snakes are with dogs?
Of course I wouldn't leave them out together, but I was wondering if there is anything to worry about?

Hi Maya,
 Dogs and snake eh? Well, they will not be playing together. All you have to do is to keep them separated and all will be fine. The dog will be very curious about the snake and cannot be left alone with it (I am sure you knew that already). Just be sure to keep your snake in an enclosure and all will be fine. Also keep in mind that snakes can live 20 or 30 years. What will you do with the snake when you are in college? Be a responsible pet owner and plan ahead!

On another front, this could be an opportunity to change your parents to snake lovers. Most people are afraid of snakes because they are taught to be over their life. Snakes are seen as bad or scary because they are not at all like us. They do not have limbs and have few human qualities. When you see a dog, you see 4 limbs, and something that resembles a human on some level.

Once the fear is gone, perhaps they will see snakes for the interesting, beautiful creatures that they are. My wife is a convert and my 3 year old loves being around them (I have 20). Take care not to scare people with your snake, but always educate folks. Be an ambassador for all that is wonderful about reptiles.

Good luck!

Kevin L. Ogle