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choosing the right snake?

22 15:37:58

hi jennifer my name is chris,I am 25 and i am trying to choose which species of snake to pick.I have a general knowledge of snakes,i have had a couple of different reptiles including two different small tree snakes.So anyway i am planning on getting a pretty large and tall tank reguardless of what snake i choose.I would like it not to ecceed roughly two feet,i am flexable on the species. Hoping you could give me some suggestions.   Thank you-chris

Hi Chris :-)Considering you don't want to exceed two feet on your soon-to-be new snake....I would suggest either a Kenyan Sand boa or a Rosy Boa.  Both are very interesting snakes with good temperments.  Not to mention...easy to breed if you decide to do so.  They have live birth.  There is a lot of information about them on the web including pictures.  Hope this helps you and thanks for writing.