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shedding and eating

22 15:32:27

i have a baby ball python he's in his first shed since i had him i read that they are suppose to shed full skin but he's shedding in pieces I spray alot of water in his tank he has a water dish and theres three items in his cage to help take off the skin. And its time for him to eat i feed him every other weekend he can eat 2 hairy rats i was wondering if i can put him in the tub with warm water would that help take it off so he can eat?

Hey Andrew,

First thing if you live in an arid area you can spray all day and unless you have a piece of plastic with a few holes drilled in it the humidity will escape quickly.

Another thing is over spraying can sometimes cause shedding problems. You should spray once a day, just enough to moisten the bottom. A great substrate that will hold the moisture and will not mold on you is aspen.

There is no problem with feeding him with some skin still on.

And to answer your question about the warm water, yes. If you allow him to sit in it for about ten minutes, you can then use a towel to rub off the old skin.

Hope this helps.

Eric Rovegno