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Young Ball Python

22 15:37:13

Hi, I have had my young royal python for a few months. I had some trouble feeding him for the first few weeks but then he settled down and was feeding about twice a week with no trouble. He has shed twice and the last time was about a week ago.

Now he is refusing to eat. He strikes when I place pinkies into his viv but then retreats and does not try to eat the prey. I know he must be hungry because it has been a couple of months since he last ate. He seems healthy, is shedding properly and is fine when handling although I have been avoiding handling him recently in case he is stressed.

I have tried to force feed him a pinkie as that is what I had to resort to when I first got him. The pet shop owner showed me how but I'm afraid I can't do it this time. He struggles (obviously) and I find it difficult and stressful both for me and the animal.

I know it is not unusual for ball pythons to refuse to eat but as he is a young snake I know it is important that he feeds. I have tried many different tactics.

Thanks for any help!

Hi Eli
I totally understand how you feel.  Everything you are doing is excellent and your snake sounds very healthy. It is honestly up to your snake to let you know when he is ready to eat.  You mentioned it has been two months.  I have had my kingsnake go almost 6 months without wanting to eat and still was healthy and produced fertile eggs.  Pythons are notorious for going almost as long without food.  Just keep offering food every week and see how it goes.  Worse case scenario... you might have to resort back to forcefeeding with the pinkie pusher.  Good luck and keep me updated :-)