Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Ball Python Wont Eat Frozen Mice

Ball Python Wont Eat Frozen Mice

22 15:25:57

My 1 year old ball who I've had since birth has been eating
only live mice so far but now I want to switch him to
frozen; problem is I can't get him to eat a single thawed
I've tried: heating it, chicken broth, wiggling with tongs,
leaving it in overnight, holding it still and waiting...
Might he be one of the picky ones who won't ever eat f/t
food or is there something I could still try?

2 questions:

1. Are there any methods you would recommend and an
approximate length of time it might take until I should
ultimately just give up?

2. Are there any easy, humane ways to kill a mouse? (I
haven't tried pre killed yet because I don't think I could
do it unless it was a quick death)

I was knocking the live ones I'm giving him on the head
quickly before feeding, to knock them out a bit so they
wouldn't hurt my snake, but since seriously injuring one of
the mice and hearing it squeal in agonizing pain (which
really frightened and surprised me), I've suddenly grown a
conscience lol.

1. How long have you let him or her go without food before you gave up on frozen? It sounds like you have tried the most common methods. Usually, you have to let one like this get good and hungry before they will agree to convert.

2. I hate to say this, but drowning is not a bad way for a rat to go. It is fairly quick and seems to be easy on them. The alternate method is to thump them (as you were doing) but hard enough to completely kill them. I never enjoyed doing that. Locking hemostats and a 5 gallon bucket works well.