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???about handling my snake

22 15:37:25

QUESTION: i just got a 2 foot baby ballpython she is my first snake.i love holding her but i not sure if it is the right thing to do everyday?also i heard if i keep touching her head she won't be so shy,is that right?how often should i play with her?also i noticed she has'nt been in her water bowl at all is that ok?
ANSWER: Hi Matt. is good to gently handle your new snake everyday if possible.  That will get them accustomed to you and that way they will become more and more calm the more you hold them.  It is also normal to not see her in her water bowl. The normally will only go to it to get a drink of water which isn't very often.  You won't normally find them completely in the water. So don't worry.  Congrats on your new snake!

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QUESTION: is there any special way to take her out of her cage i dont want her to bite and also how should i set my cage up?i have the hide box on one side and the water one the other,the heat lamp in the middle , is that ok? One more ? , she is always in her hide spot is it ok to remove it when i take her out or will she feel unsecure?
ANSWER: Sounds to me like you have your cage set up perfectly.  Do you happen to have an under-the-tank heater?  If not then the heat lamp is fine in the middle.  But if you do have a heating pad be sure not to have the heat lamp on at the same time.  Just use it occasionally during the day so she can bask.  Don't want to overheat her with too many heating elements. is ok to remove her hide spot when you go to take her out but be sure to put it back in the same place so she knows she will always have a safe spot to hide.  Take care :-)

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QUESTION: how about taking her out,is it better when shes in a ball or when shes exploring?should i put my hand in fast or slow?and where is the best place of her to pick her up?thankyou so much for your help,i really don't know anything about snakes and the pet shop din't tell me to much.thanks

It doesn't matter when you take her out..either in a ball or exploring.  Just be slow and approach from behind her head. Here is a website that will help you learn more about your snake.  Just copy and paste into your browser.