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Bally Python

22 15:21:02

I have a 4 month old ball python.  She has ate a fuzzie each week since I got her.  I have only had her 1 month now.  She has been staying in her water bowl for long period of times, but her eyes were only slightly bluish for like 2 days, nothing like the ones I had before.  Her skin is very loose, as if it seems she has lost lots of weight.  She ate today, but moving very slow.  I caught her digging her face into the bedding and almost flipping over.  I am worried as she looks to be dehydrated or starving.  I tried feeding her another fuzzy thinking I may be under feeding her.  Can you help me with what she is doing?  I have worked vet med for 16 years, but dont know much on reptiles.  thanks


It sounds to me like she may be about to shed. If she is her eyes should be glazed over looking as if she is blind. I don't know if you've had a snake but make sure you have something in her cage with rough edges she can pull her skin off with. This could explain the reason for her digging her head into the bedding...she may not have an adequate shedding tool. Shedding time will make your snake lose her appetite and have less energy as well. However that's just advice it may help to take a picture of your snake for me to look at and attach it to another question. I also have some advice for the feeding situation. I don't know if you do this but you should always have a place to feed your snake separate from the cage it lives in. For my snakes I have a big plastic bin that I keep on my porch that way when I feed them they can get natural sunlight. The reason for this separate feeding place is so that number one, they don't associate you coming into their cage with feeding time; this prevents aggression...although ball pythons usually are not aggressive. Also I have had personal experience where my ball python does not seem to smell his food. Perhaps he gets so used to the smell of his cage he can no longer distinguish the food being entered...however as soon as I put him into an empty container for feeding the problem was solved and he ate right away.

As for your main problem I think she is just about to shed. U can always send a picture for me to look at if you like. Keep a close eye on her and if you are really concerned please take her to the vet because I am not a qualified veteranarian to diagnose illness. If she is about to shed this should happen in less than a week and she should return to normal.

Please let me know if I can give further advice. A ball python was a great choice in snake by the way.