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Humidity -- wild moss

22 15:33:20

I just noticed that my adult corn snake started having skin on his scales sticking up in some places, like little patches, and I thought maybe he needed some more humidity, because winter is really dry and he hasn't shed in a few months. I was just wondering if it's okay to put wild moss -the kind you find in the woods or under rocks- in his tank for humidity. Will it hurt him in anyway.. will it even help? I don't have the money to buy sphagnum moss.. that'll be a month or two away.

It may be unsafe to use moss from the woods as there may be parasites or bacteria in it that can harm your snake.

If you need to increase humidity you can bottles of this stuff, i cant remember what it's called...but you spray it in the tank and it raises the humidity. You should be able to find it in most reptile stores.

Alternatively and probably the easiest thing to do, would be to occasionally, maybe once every day or two, spray the tank with water. the heat in the tank will evaporate the water eventually and increase the humidity.

An increase in humidity will help him shed. It will loosen and soften the skin that needs to be shed meaning it will slide off easier and in one piece.

I hope that's answered your question,
