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pregnant with snakes

22 15:26:38

i'm pregnant -- my first child -- and i own 4 corn snakes.  is it dangerous for my baby to handle the snakes while i'm pregnant?  i know they aren't venomous, but are there any diseases or anything that can harm my child if i get bit?

There are few diseases which reptiles can pass to humans (one of the things which make them great pets).  Solmonella is one but that usually comes from food items NOT associated with corns snakes.  There is one other I know of called (and spelling doesn't count on this) cryptosporodosis which I have HEARD people can catch.  The odds are most likely VERY low, so I wouldn't worry about it very much.  Have the hubby take care of the cleaning duties until after you deliver but I don't think handling should be a problem.

BTW, in case your OBGYN didn't tell you cat poop IS dangerous, you should not be around the litter box at all!  I think the disease there is toxoplasmosis but it's early so don't quote me on that.