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Bumps on Carpet Python

22 15:30:18

I have a gorgeous Jungle Carpet Python that is almost 3 years old.  About 2 months ago he developed a bump on his head.  I think he may have rubbed it on the screen top to his cage.  At first it had a bit of a scab on it, but now it looks healed up, except that one side of his head is still swollen looking.

I was getting worried as he skipped a couple feedings, and I only usually feed him every 2 weeks.  This last week he finally took a fairly good sized rat, so maybe it's just the winter.

Is there anything I can do or anything I should be worried about?  I was thinking of trying to up the temp a bit.

Any advice is appreciated,

Hey Tom,

I would make sure the lump is not filled with any puss or liquid. You should be able to feel it and tell. It would feel just like a blister on yourself.

If it is good and not filled with liquid then it could be just a callous on his head.

Just a question but is your heat on top of the tank screen?

Hope this helps,