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my ball python

22 15:30:19

I have been raising my ball python for a good 3-months now i believe it is around a year old though. I have not had time recently to handle her and plus she just shed not long ago! I mist her cage down frequently, and i haven't cleaned her cage out in quite some time,I would say about a month since i cleaned her cage.I feed her 2 live adult mice every meal. The substraint is the green reptile turf, i have an under tank heating pad, Heat lamp, a small hide, and a water dish.
I just picked her up the yesterday to put her in her feeding tank, and i noticed a severe disorder on her stomach going half way up her body. It looks as if her skin is cracking and getting infected, It looks almost like water blisters. It looks severly painfull for her, and im not sure what it is. My only guess is a sort of yeast infection. Its not a burn because heat is not a danger in that tank. I think it has something to do with a combination of moisture and filthiness due to my negligence. any help or if you could shine any light on the subject that would awesome! thank you  

Hey James,

The first thing I would tell you to do is take out the green turf. I had a snake die from this stuff. It must have seen something outside it's tank and struck at it and got it's teeth caught and whipped itself around till it broke its back. Very sad!! That day I went out and bought some aspen bedding and never looked back. Easy to clean and even better on keeping the moisture in the tank.

You say the heat is not in the tank but it is under the tank. Have you checked the temp above the heater? Your snake could be laying on it far to long. This could be your culprit.

Hope this helps,