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Guard for ceramic heat emitter

22 15:30:40

Hi, I'm searching for the best heat source for a Boa cage. As ceramic heat emitters don't give light I would go for them but I need to cover it so that the snake doesn't get hurt. What can I do as a guard because I didn't find something factory made for this purpose? and are they fire safe ? thanks again

Hey Jonathan,

I guess your building it...

Pick up a roll of chicken wire. You can fold this into a shape that will prevent your snake from getting to the ceramic heater. Another thing you can do is to build the top of the tank up a bit. They are about as fire safe as anything else. Keep a thermostat on it to prevent it from getting to hot which will lead to a fire danger.

Visit ARS caging. They sell heat tape that has aluminum wrapped around it you can put this into a groove created by you in the wood. Again a thermostat is needed, but this will ensure good temps within the tank.

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