Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > red albino corn snake

red albino corn snake

22 15:32:57

Hi Jenna this logan and i recently bought a red albino corn snake. Its not the first snake ive had but the guy i bought it from wasnt taking care of it very well. All day it sits in his hiding box and doesnt come out. Even when i hold it its fine its just that when i put it in the aqarium it just goes back in the hidding box

Hey Logan

There are some corn's that are just plain not very active. And some that unless you get the right things for their cage will decide that hiding is the best plan of action. As I don't know what you have in your tank, I'll just give some general suggestions. Grapevine is a nice addition, and comes in many sizes and shapes. Getting him his own bushy plant may give him a new hiding spot, but can also encourage movement. There are also plastic plants you can add as general cover to make the environment more enclosed and homey.

You mentioned that he wasn't very well taken care of before you got him. I've found that unsocialized snakes in general are not nearly as active as those that are regularly handled. So it may just be a matter of time before your snake comes out of his shell.