Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > poop


22 15:27:08

Hi.  I just got a used bp last night and when I got him home I had to feed him.  I am wondering how long after feeding will he need to poop.  I am just wondering because I don't want to be holding him when he does go. Is there a set scheduel as to when they need to go?


Ok, you bought an animal, not a car.  I've never heard of a snake referred to as "used" before.  That made me laugh and then when I got the question I nearly fell out of my chair.  Good stuff man!  They is no set schedule to pooping, they poop when they feel like it.  Sometimes when you're holding them too.  If you notice the cloaca/vent/anus/anal area starting to bulge WATCH OUT!  They will retain poop and fluid before a shed in order to help stretch the skin and then go right before they start shedding.  That is the only "scheduled" movement I know of.  Have fun and don't worry-that's what they make soap and water for!