Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > baby ball python in bad shape

baby ball python in bad shape

22 15:27:04

I recently got a baby ball py from a guy who does alot of selling... I was told she was eating... dont think so   she will not eat on her own and I am now resorting to a mix of chicken baby food and "pinky paste" (that I make in the blender) along with some pedialyte.  she looks like crap truthfully, she tried to shed but is unable to do so.. I am soaking her daily now for about 10 minutes   I really want her to make it and to some extent she is in better shape than when I got her, but wow  Im just floored truthfully.   I think maybe sub-q may be a good thing to start tomorrow... the skin around her neck and head is easily puckered   I am feeding her about 3-5cc of "mix" every 3 days... should I increase it or do I need to seriously consider putting her down?   thanks

hey vicki,

the trouble with trying to get a snake like this to feed is that it is unlikely that it will ever eat normally. It is possible that there is an underlying problem such as a disease or parasitic infection that has put it in this bad shape and has stopped it eating. and no matter how much food you pump into it, it wont get better.

if you think it has put on weight since and has improved a bit, i would keep going with what you're doing. at the moment you are doing everything right and i cant think of anything more you could do to give it a better chance at life.

although, if you see its condition start to decline further it may be an idea to put it out of its misery. you have to decide whether its right to keep something in its condition alive. i haven't seen its condition so i cant advise you either way.

i wish you and your snake all the best
