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my baby corn snake

22 15:32:40

My baby snake has been thriving and growing since I got it a few months ago.  The most recent shed left a piece of skin on the tip of the tail and the very tip is starting to turn black.  I feel horrible!  I read that it may lose the tip of its tail now.  Is there anything I can do at this point to help make my snake the most comfortable?  I've heard that you can use mineral oil to help loosen this true?  Thanks~!

If you haven't already removed the unshed piece of skin you can use mineral oil just like you said. You can also give the snake a damp hidebox made from something simple like a margarine bowl filled with damp moss and a hole cut in the side.

As far as the tail tip, all that you can do is help the skin to shed off. If it's turning black the tip may fall off. There's nothing much you can do about that. It won't grow back but it shouldn't affect the snake's health. Don't blame yourself, keeping reptiles is a bit more difficult than a pet dog or cat. You learn as you go.