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Cornsnake scales via shed

22 15:26:07

Hi I just recently got a 5yr old  5 1/2 ft long corn/rat snake. He is very gentle and just awesome. 2 weeks after we got him he shed for the first time with us. It came off in one nice piece. He didn't eat the week of his shed or the week after. He ate last week and tomorrow is feeding day again. Now the middle of last week when i picked him up I noticed he had a bunch of lift scales that looked shredded on the edges going from his middle up to his head on his under side and he has a scale right on the top of his head like that also. The scales look normal under these ones, no sores or anything. I am hoping you can help me find out what is going on.  He came from a breeder, and he was in a rack system. Now he lives in a nice big 4*2*2 cage. Since noticing these scales I have turned off the mat under the tank, and removed the aspen(which he loved) and added another huge water dish so there are 2 in there now. And now he is about to shed again only 2 1/2 weeks since his last one????  I thought adults only she 4 to 5 times a yr

  I am not sure about the scale problem. I have seen a lot of issues like that come and go without much issues. Is it possible that the increased feeding is causing a growth spurt? Since they grow all their lives, I'd guess that, or the change in enclosure could be causing the additional shedding. Replace the aspen with cypress from Walmart (mulch) it is much cheaper and works even better.