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Injured Snake (California King)

22 15:20:42

I did not see the snake in my driveway and my front tire rolled over it.Some of the skin is lacerated, main injury seems to be in the head area.I brought the snake inside, placed it in a cardboard box lined with old socks.It was very cold so I placed a "heat" lamp (household bulb) attached to the side of the box.It moves but mostly backwards.My son has seen it move forward.It moves in a rolling motion sometimes.Responds to me touching it. It is able to open & close its mouth but still has some blood.It is very strong when it coils its self around my arm or when I am trying to move it.Am I wasting my time trying to help this snake? Is there something(s) I can do?I am a horse person but love animals.What can I do?

   I am sorry this happened to you. I would give the snake a week with a big water dish inside and see how he does. If he makes it that long, release him. I do not expect him to make it based on the injuries and their placement. There is really nothing you can do other than what you are doing already.