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Corn snakes and Ball Pythons

22 15:33:09

Ok i have 2 or 3 (or more) quetions for you . 1st, We just got 2 new ball pythons, and they have been living on the green fake grass, that u can take out and rinse off. Well would it be ok if we switched to eco earth? Would it hurt them if we switched them cuz they have been living on the fake grass for like 3 years. ( or what would you recomend we bed them in? )
 Ok And we have a albino Corn Snake, Very little, ( our ball Pythons are 6 feet and 4 feet. ) And My Hubby wanted to know if we could house them Together. But i am a little scared becuz of the size differents. The A/corn snake, is like a worm conpared to the ball pythons.

Thank you For taking them time to read, Sorry it is alittle long.

Hey Lacie

NO ECO EARTH. It's great for the humidity loving reptiles, but ball's cannot sit on damp bedding for very long without getting respiratory or fungal problems. The fake grass is great for keeping them dry and it's easy to clean. I keep my babies on aspen, but it is a pain to clean up without a shopvac. My own ball is on cage carpet, but I will admit it is not fun to wash at times.

As a rule, I do not house different species together. This is both stressful and dangerous for the smaller snake. When she is full grown, she may be able to have playdates, but no permanent housing together.