Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Boa w/ Upper Respiratory Infection

Boa w/ Upper Respiratory Infection

22 15:30:45

I have a 9-10 yr old Red Tail boa, he's had a upper respiratory infection in the past and I had to tupe him and give him liquid meds every other day for like 2 weeks its was such a pain. He's showing the same symptoms as last time so i'm 99% sure its a respiratory infection again. Can they get over it on their own or do I HAVE to give him meds of some sort? Do I need to jack the heat up in his cage? I try and keep it around 85 under his heat source then the rest of his cage is just room temp. Anything thing else I can do or is going to the Vet my only option?

Hey Samantha,

Do you notice bubbles around the mouth? The ambient air temp should be around 85 degrees and the hot spot around 90-92 degrees. The humidity level should also be around 65%. Checking these and making sure they are where they need to be will help him heal himself. I had two ball pythons that had a Respiratory infection and I checked all temps and humidity and corrected them. They got better and never had a problem again.

Do this and give him a week. If he does not show signs of improvement then maybe you should bring him in to the Vet.
