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Hypomelamistic Korn plus 2?

22 15:27:13

I just bought a Hypomelamistic Korn snake from a local, private breeder. This is my first Snake, and first time seeking answers. I was told this snake was a Hypomelamistic Snake by the breeder, but upon personal inspection, I've found that There are more then one trait on my new pet snake.
1- eye color is the same as a basic korn.
2- Other traits in his skin patter are showing, the faded blocks in the hypo miami phase, and The 'orange' spots on the spine area for the Creamsicle korn. I also found a picture that looked like him, a reverse otawa hypo snake (?).  The main thing I'm concerned about, did I by a hypo ( specificly ), or was I bamboozeled?
 Also, I would like to ask about the living area - is sand too much for a korn, Would a small fan matter, and finally, what would be ideal for a 'hiding place' that my Korn can use?

I'm not really an expert on all of the phases of corn snakes (there are dozens), but in general, a hypomelanistic animal will show a somewhat gray color instead of black. It will also appear to be "brighter" in color and appearance. It's hard to really say what you have without seeing a picture. What I would suggest doing is posting a picture of your snake to the Corn Snake forum on  Someone there can tell you what you have.

As far as the living area...Never use sand! Sand can be ingested and cause an impaction, resulting in death. I would suggest shreaded aspen bedding, paper towels, or newspaper. You do not need a fan. As for a hiding place, if you use shredded aspen the snake will burrow and hide. Or you can use something like a small plastic bowl, or even a piece or cardboard. Snakes just want something that they can crawl under. It doesn't have to be fancy.