Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > BM


22 15:25:58

I have had a Ball Python for about 3 months. I have had no problem feeding him but so far he has only had one brown bowel movement in that time. He has had a few of the white ones but I thought there was supposed to be more regular occurence of the brown. I started him on 2 pinkies a week and he is now up to 2 small mace. Should I be concerned?

Give him a little more time. If he is passing food, then I would not be to worried. The white is uratic acid and is pretty normal. Usually, I like to see one BM about 3 - 6 days after feeding. Just keep an eye on it, but if some stuff is getting through, it is unlikely he has a partial blockage or a major problem.