Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Ball python is not pooping

Ball python is not pooping

22 15:36:56

Hi, I've had my ball python for a little over a month and have fed him, I believe, 4 times. He has only defecated once and Im really worried about it. Any kind of advice would be really appreciated =]

Hi Gina
To go a month or more without defecating is not unusual at all. This does not mean that your snake is constipated. I will suggest that you increase the heating in your tank a bit. Ball Pythons need heat of 80 - 85 F during the day, with a basking spot of around 90 F .Night time temperatures can fall to around 75 F as long as an area of 80 F is maintained.  You will also want a hide of some sort on both sides, and the water bowl will be placed on the cooler side. Snakes store waste for periods of time, so don't think that every time you feed your snake it should defecate. Snakes don't have the metabolism of mammals (cold blooded). That's not how their systems operate. Hope this helped and thanks for writing :-)