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my king snake

22 15:21:00

I just got my new king snake not that long ago and and this paper had sed to keep the humidity at around 30 to 50 percent but now its around 60 to 70 at nite , but during the day its normal. is that much of a problem?                             this is my first snake


Honestly humidity is not really that big of a deal unless you're dealing with fragile tropical reptiles like chamelions or geckos. Snakes are very adaptive and you really shouldn't worry about keeping specific numbers. The easiest thing to do if your snake needs humidity is to just spray the inside walls of its cage with water about twice a day and the sun lamp will create a nice even humidity. The water you keep in the water dish will also be constantly evaporaing and that helps keep it humid as well. Your snake will be fine with something simple like that you ont need to stress about it. The only time you need to worry about exact numbers when it comes to heat and temperature is when you try breeding snakes and all that good stuff.

I hope that helped and thanks for your question. Please let me know if you have anymore questions I love king snakes.