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albino corn snake shedding

22 15:33:30

My corn snake is still young in fact since ive baught him/her this is its first time shedding, the only problem is it only shed half its skin and the other half has yet to shed, is this a big problem and if so what should i do if anything? and how do i determine the sex of my snake? Steve-

Hello Steve,

The leftover skin will not cause your snake any harm. The best way to help get the rest off is to mist in the tank everyday. If this does not get it off you can put a little water ij your bath tub and allow your snake to soak for a bit then try and wipe the skin off with a moist warm towel. If you do not already have a water dish big enough for your snake to soak in you may want to buy one.

As for sexing your snake go to my website and visit my blog. I have an article about sexing on there.

If there is anything else I can help you with please feel free to contact me again.

Eric Rovegno