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California King eating habits

22 15:20:40

I have a California King Snake, about 4 years old, I live in Arizona and its beginning to get hot, he eats about every 7 days, I feed him a small mouse that was frozen which has been ideal for him but for the last 2 and 1/2 weeks he seems disinterested in eating, hes moving around his habitat (30 gallon) relentlessly which is somewhat normal for him, I take him out and handle him at least once a day for about 10 to 15 minutes which I believe he enjoys, just curious about his lack of appetite, do I have anything to be concerned about? He looks great and otherwise is very friendly and content.

  I have had the same issues with my california kings and I live in TN. If he is active and seems to be otherwise normal, I would not worry too much. As a rule of thumb, snakes of that diameter can go about 1 month for each foot they are long (longer for heavier bodied snakes such as pythons and boas. I would give him another couple of weeks. Keep continuing to try to feed and see what happens. If he goes more than another month without eating, I would see an exotic animal vet.