Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > red tail boa scin healt problame

red tail boa scin healt problame

22 15:31:01

I just recovered the problem 2-3 ago, i am pud hydrogen peroxide on the skin, washed out w worm water after couple minutes, what else can i do? Here is a picture for more information.  thank you


Hey Laszlo,

What is he rubbing his nose on? How close do you have your heat source to the top of the tank. It should be at least four inches away from the screen top. If you have pad heating then it does not matter. With heat lamps or lights then this needs to be done.

I would use a cuetip and put a little iodine on the wound, This will help with healing and also prevent an infection from happening. You should remove any substrate from the tank and just use paper towels until it is healed them you can put substrate back in. I might also suggest using Aspen if you are not already.

Keep an eye on him and watch to see where he is rubbing. I would also ask you to check your temps and humidity levels in the tank. They might be off, this could cause dry skin in snakes and lead to them rubbing.

Hope this helps,
Eric Rovegno