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corn snake with lump

22 15:29:30

my corn snake developed a lump. its as if its the size of a medium mouse. the lump appeared suddenly over night. it hadnt eaten that week due to a shed, soo i no he hasnt eatn anything, got out and eaten anything or eaten anything in the tank itself. but when offerd food recently has eaten as usually and is also drinking fine. hes pooing as normal. very active as normal. no changes in itself at all. it doesnt seem to be in any pain or bothering him either. the lump feel fluidy not hard. its around the stomach area and hasnt moved or got bigger. its been there now a few weeks and hes still fine. i just wondered if you had any suggestions.. thank you laura x

I'm afraid that this is a little outside of my expertise since I'm not a veterinarian. If he's pooing it doesn't sound like a blockage, it sounds more like a tumor but that is just a guess. I just have never heard of one coming on overnight. Anyhow, I think that you probably need to make a trip to the vet for an x-ray. That's the only way to find out for sure. Good Luck.