Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > boa and python housed together

boa and python housed together

22 15:32:25

i have a 5 foot male bal python and a 7 foot female red tail boa in a a very large cage but is it safe for them to be together and can they possibly cross breed if it is safe thanks joe

   Please see my profile as I an not an expert breeder. Now on the other question... Most experts say no. It is generally a bad idea to house different snakes together. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is that they sometimes carry different diseases. They come from different parts of the world. However, through trial and error, it is indeed possible to house them together. I keep my Macklot's Python with a jungle carpet 1/2 his size. I also keep a Spotted python with a Brazilian Rainbow Boa. So, the long answer is a definite maybe. It can be done (like riding a motorcycle without head gear), but it is generally a risky idea. I don't feel like I have answered your question adequately, but this is the best I can come up with that is 100% true (based on all that I have read and my personal experience). Hope this helps.


Kevin L. Ogle