Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > red tale boa

red tale boa

22 15:37:01

Hi this is chris again...and I fed my 15 columbian boa 2 times this week and it is the first time I've fed her since I have had her, 7\11\07, and I want to handle her really bad but I'm thinking I can't hold her until she poops. Do I have to wait or can I hold her has been two days since I have fed my snake......and also can you tell me a good name for my snake lol cause I can't figure a good girl snake name hahaha sorry

Hi Chris.  Wait one more day until you handle her.  It is not necessary for her to poo before you handle her BUT you should always wait at least 3 days for the food to digest.  Here's a great website for snake names :-)