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Best Beginner Snakes

22 15:33:46

Hello i have to come ask some one because im such a newb. I have the money and the space for almost any kind of snake and after i graduate from high school i will have the time to spend with a snake to tame it. Some of my friends tell me that the best beginner snake is most definitly a King Snake. I'm not sure about anything really becuase i know they get very large and i dont want a huge huge snake in the house. Im not sure if there are different breeds or what. My friends tell me Corn Snakes are very boring for the most part. Also they tell me Ball Pythons can be a little picky when it comes to eating and also sometimes on the moody side and could be aggressive. I was really looking into gettinga Rosy Boa until it bit the unexperianced person working at Petco. I still want to give the Rosy Boa a try though i just think it was that Boa in paticulare because the other one i saw seemed to be very "hardy". I also seen they dont grow very huge...huge enough but not like having the incredible hulk sleetering threw my house. Okay something that wont eat my dog is that easy enough?

Hey Jordan

lol Any pissed off snake might bite you. Sucks, but it's part of the job. That's why I don't let just anyone touch the reptiles at work, especially the snakes and taratulas I'm taming.

The ones I find hardest to tame are kingsnakes actually. The type you get will make a big difference on how big it will get. Some get huge, while others stay manageable. Corn snakes each have their own personality, so some will not be as energetic and some will be. I like them cause they don't get as heavy as a python, and don't require large prey.

Ball pythons are my favorite, but then again I own one. They are correct on ball's being pickier eaters, but this is avoidable if you are careful on who you buy from. Make sure they are captive bred first off. This means they have been raised on easily found prey, most of the time mice, and you won't have any problems. If you aren't sure, ask to see the ball eat in front of you to prove that they are taking prey. Petco is a good place to get one, but see if you can come in to meet the snakes when the specialist is in. They know more about them, and even the personality's of the individual snakes. They can get 6 feet long, so be prepared to get a large cage when it is full grown. Boys get 3.5-4.5 feet, and females 5-6 feet.

Rosy's are nice, but I personally haven't had any experience raising them as they are illegal to sell where I live. I know that they do have their own personalities and most people seem to be pretty happy with them. They don't get longer than 3 feet usually (This depends on the kind you get), and are happy to be in a 20 gallon tank. The person who got bit, probably was handling a baby (They tend to be a little nippy until they realize we are not going to eat them) or an adult that hadn't gotten handled enough.

I stress that the only way to keep a snake tame is daily handling. And unless it says captive bred, they will have been wild caught, and will be harder to keep tame. Stay away from Red-tailed Boas, and central American boas as they get 8 feet and longer.  Take a look on here. They give a rundown on the most common types of snakes, both pet and wild. Good luck. :)