Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Twitching


22 15:33:19

Hi my name is Charlotte, and recently my two beautyful cornsnake's have been really restless. This includes twitching and my slightly smaller snake seems to zip towards the other end of the tank, are they fighting or mating? I do not no the sex of the snakes but i have a feeling they are male and female. Thank you for your time and please give me an idea of whats going on!

Its mating season around this time of year for corn snakes (March - June) so they will probably be more active than normal.

If they're mature (18 months +) and of opposite sex, it is possible that they will mate, so unless you want to look after lots eggs and then baby corn snakes it would be a good idea to separate them.

If it's two males they are unlikely to fight unless a female is present as they have nothing to fight over. Keep an eye on them and unless you actually see one attack the other there is no need to worry.

Hope this answers your question,
