Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > I lost my ball python 1 week ago

I lost my ball python 1 week ago

22 15:30:34

A week ago I lost my ball python. It's a foot long and veary calm. I was taking a shower I put it on the floor so it can play in the clothes but it manage to get through the towl and under the crack of the door. The only places it could of gone was in the the room right next to the bathroom 'cause it was open or down the stairs. I've looked absalutly every where and I can't find it. I even stuke it's cage in the room that it could of gone in but nothing. Can you please help me i'm veary sad without my snake.

Hi Danielle,

Ok, so you need to look around base board heaters, refrigerators, under the sinks, dryer, washer anywhere you have a warm spot. A snake that small can crawl through holes an inch wide. They are most active at night. You might consider spending the night waiting in the dark or with a light dimmed. You may just get lucky and catch it.

I had two of my snakes get out at the same time. I found one in the wall and another behind my entertainment center.

I hope you find your pet,