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ball python acting strange

22 15:21:08

hi im having a few problems with my ball python i got him almost a year ago off a woman that couldnt cope with him, he was always a good eater untill the last 5months where everything we offer him he refuses. i have always handled him as he is not very trusting of men but the last week or so when i open his viv he inhails deeply swelling his body up and hisses at me occationally striking at the glass its got to a point where i dare not pick him up incase he strikes me as, i am currently 15 weeks pregnant could this be anything to do with his unusual behaviour as he has always been such a gentle thing loving a cuddle?

I doubt your pregnancy has anything to do w/ it.  SOmetimes snakes "forget" they are tame.  Get a heavy pair of garden gloves and pick him up.  That way if he strikes at your hands it won't hurt.  That fact that he is refusing food COULD mean he is sick or something is off with his husbandry (care).  Does he strike at the rats you put in the cage?  Or does he just strike out in a random direction?