Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > age to start feeding a baby corn snake

age to start feeding a baby corn snake

22 15:36:23

My friend Brian just got a baby corn snake from our science teacher.I was jut wandering if you could tell me what age would be best to start feeding this snake frozen\thawed pinky mice.Also I have wild field mice out in my bird coop, I wanted to know if I could give the pinkys to Brian to feed to his snake.

Most baby cornsnakes will not eat for sometimes up to a month after birth, still finishing off the yolk. You can start offering them to him now, just make sure it is as small as you can get them. The general rule with snakes is nothing bigger than the middle of their body.
It is not a good idea to feed wild rodents to your captive animals. You don't know what might be living on or in them. Find a pet store that keeps frozen pinkys. Some will have them in bulk, or in packages (I get mine from Gourmet Rodent in 3 packs for my python). Make sure to keep the body temperature up or the baby may not realize it's for food. The older ones I have raised have caught on really quick. It will probably take a few times, and the first few will take them a bit to get down.