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searching to buy a boa

22 15:32:09

QUESTION: I'm a first time snake buyer and I've been searching through many different kinds of boas but I'm not sure which one I want to buy. I didn't want a boa that grows from 7 to 10 feet long though.

Do you know what kind of boas that don't grow that big? And I was also wondering about if it's better to buy one from a pet store or a breeder? I'm planning on buying one either this month or next month.


ANSWER: Brittney, you should look into a rubber boa, rosy boa, sand boa, or perhaps a Central American boa.  The first three will stay under 3-4 feet, they are little harder to find and the sand boa will stay buried most of the time, but they make good pets (they are not usually aggressive).  The CA boa looks like a traditional boa constrictor but max out at 7 feet and that takes many years for them to reach.

ALWAYS buy from a local breeder if you can.  And ALWAYS get a written guarantee that the animal will eat or watch it do so before you buy it.  If buying from a pet store expect to pay more also expect and receive a better written guarantee.  Where are you located perhaps I can recommend someone.  BPC

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QUESTION: Thanks for the feedback. I live in Eustis, FL in Lake County like an hour away from Orlando. Another question, I found someone who's selling a Panamanian Dwarf Boa. Do they get real big?

ANSWER: LOL WOW small world!  I live in Umatilla.  What are the odds of that?  A Panamanian dwarf boa sound like a slick name for a Central American (hey isn't that where Panama is) boa.  Again you'd be looking at 5-7 feet many years down the road.  Don't pay more than $100-125 tops, if it's more than that I can get you one.  BPC

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QUESTION: lol I guess it is a small world. But yeah then maybe I won't go for that Panamanian dwarf boa. I read that ball pythons usually don't grow huge, what about them you think? Sorry for all the questions I just want to find the perfect snake I'm looking for. :)

Brittney, balls are good first choice, they are not as active as boas but they have the same laid back personality.  A corn snake would be another possible choice, they are active, colorful and very easy to take care of.  If you want to check out a ball I have several available from babies through adults.  They start at $30.  I should have baby corns hatching next week and they will be $10 after their first meal.  You can email me at if you'like.