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my snakes eyes

22 15:27:14

okay so i picked up a 4 1/2 foot ball/royal python from a private seller and it has been handled by children for 4 years.  When i got him his eyes seemed almost a grayish collor and i could tell he just finished shedding. i am personally scared of snakes but im trying to get over that with him. also i have a heat lamp that makes about have of his cage between 80-85 degrees then on the other side i have a purple colored light and its temp is about 65-70, are these the right temps, or do i need to do something else  when i put him in the cage he seemed to remember it, and he got cozzy, then after about 3 hours, i went to pick him up, just to see if i could he didn't try to bite me or anything, so i took him out and he wrapped around my arm a little so i held him for about 20 minutes, and then i went to put him back nice and slow, and it seemed like he got agitated and didnt want to go, so i held him a little longer and he comed down, then after about 10 min. i tried to put him back and he did the samething. am i doing something wrong? i will send a pic of the snake body and face so u can tell me how he looks in a couple of days.

any advice would be great,

After 2-3 minutes the snakes has made itself comfortable on your arm.  It was also probably enjoying your body heat.  Simply unwrap the snake and place it back in the tank when you are done.  Remember you're the one in charge-you have the thumbs afterall!  Your cool side is a little cool I's shoot for 70-75.