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Bearded Dragon poo has cricket parts in it

22 14:15:17

I've had my Bearded Dragon for about 2 1/2 years and about 3 days ago he had problems pooping so I gave him a warm bath and it solved the problem.  Tonight I had to give him another bath because he hadn't pooped since last time (3 days ago) and tonight his poop had undigested cricket parts in it (bits of the backs and whole heads)!  He's never had problems like this before and every post I've read online has coupled the undigested cricket parts with diarreah (?) and has diagnosed the problem as parasites.  My dragon's poop is not runny at all so I'm just wondering if it is parasites or what?

 If he's not digesting properly, it could be high parasites or not enough good bacteria to help him digest.  Diarrhea is an indicator of high parasite count but so is stink.  Get him to a reptile vet who can find out which parasite(s)are culprits, treat them with the right medication, and give you a probiotic to recondition his digestive system.