Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > What kind of turtle is this?

What kind of turtle is this?

22 11:51:41


i found him at a beach in CNY and rescued him from a group of seagulls i plan on keeping him but don't know what kind of turtle he is yet so i cant care for him properly please help!

Ashley, I worried that you might have a sea turtle there, because you found him at the beach.  I'm guessing (big guess on this one) that might be an Olive RIdley.  YOu can't keep sea turtles!  You'll go to prison if they find you with it.  If it wasn't a salt water beach we'll have to do some more checking.  Get me some more info and a picture of him from the front so I can see the legs/flippers.  Also CNY = Central New York???