Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bearded


22 13:25:10

had my bearded dragon for over a year, & it always would run around jump log to log.. now for the last couple of days it lays around & doesnt do anything.. nothing have changed in the cage or diet. been the same for a year. what do you think?  what medicine do you recommend?

Best Answer

Your beardie is lethargic because he has not been receiving the proper care.

It's not your're probably just doing what the pet store told you to do.

As everyone stated, a 20G is WAY too small for a full grown beardie, although I wouldn't doubt if he is quite undersized from undernutrition.
He needs fresh veggies every day, about 50 crickets a week, spread out however suits you.

You need a UVB fluorescent tube and a basking light. His basking site needs to be100-105F and the cool side of his tank needs to be around 80. At night these temps can drop to around 65 or so.
The red heat light is useless. Beardies need bright white light to function best, and the red light can disturb their sleep. Yes, beardies can see red light, no matter what the pet store said.

First and foremost, see a herp vet! I'm imagining that he's never seen a vet, or the vet would have corrected your husbandry already.

Second, visit for advice on how to properly care for your beardie. They have a health and ER forum where experienced owners will get you set up the correct way and help you through the immediate concerns with him

Thanks, I got him in a larger tank and with the other light and is doing much better already