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bearded dragon discoloration

22 14:04:15

hi! I just bought my bearded dragon a month ago.  he seems in good health and has a good appetite.  however, about 3 days ago i noticed a whitish skin discoloration over his left eye and his eye appears slightly swollen.  i rinsed it off with water and it remained. the size of the spot has not gotten any larger.  Im not sure if its a sign of shedding, but I havent noticed any spots like this since ive owned him. Im a new owner and simply concerned, so if you have any ideas please let me know.  thanks for your time.

 I gather this is not a baby?  Babies fairly explode all over with shed constantly if well cared for.  Older dragons may start a shed in areas, ad it does start off with a white patch as old scales lift.  However, if the eye is swollen, have him seen by a good reptile vet in case he has an irritant like a foreign object in it.