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My beardie..

22 14:38:19

I have a 3&1/2 year old bearded dragon and she has stopped eating her crickets. she was housed with a younger male but he has moved to my son's house and comes back every other weekend. he loves crickets but since he's been gone she doesn't eat them she was eating them preventing him from having them she bullies him she is twice his size wondering what to do..

It could be just that she could just be doing it to bully him.  Crickets are basically just a game for adult beardies as beardies mature they really move on to vegetables, pellets, pinky mice, other lizards, and larger insects.  I should take the time to warn you though reintroducing a male every so often could induce breeding behavior and she could be gravid.  Not sure how old the male is but there's always that possibility.