Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > help!!! my beardie isnt eating

help!!! my beardie isnt eating

22 13:29:22

QUESTION: Hi' my name is rosie
I have three beardies, two girls and a boy.
unfortunatly my male beardie Osagame (means leatherback in japanese) hasnt been eating, its been about three weeks since he stoppped, i was force feeding him and checked him for impaction. but now i cant even force feed him he wont take it. i thought he was getting better the other day cuz he at one cricket but, now he's barley opening his eyes and barely moving. His ribs are starting to show and he doesnt really want to drink either. there are no vets in my area that i can get to since i cannot drive. i'm super worried about him.
i have two other beardies but they both seem to be fine. Their basking temp is about 100f and they have a reptisun 10.0 uvb light as well. please help me! i dont want to lose him!

ANSWER: Hello Rosie,

How old are your dragons?  Are they housed together?  
If he is housed with the females, they are most likely bullying him not allowing him to eat or bask very much.  I would separate him from the girls into his own tank.  Females & males do not do well housed together, & sometimes females don't either when they get older.
Since he is losing weight, you will need to start feeding him.  Try to find some chicken, or turkey baby food, along with some squash baby food to feed him.  You can use a plastic syringe or a plastic dropper to drip onto the end of his nose so he will lick the food off.  He should like it & take a decent amount of it.  
Are you using calcium supplementation as well?  
The Reptisun 10, is that a long fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  

Let me know how he is doing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Tracy

unfortunatly he passed the next morning. :(
but if i get another i will make sure to separate him from the other two. thak you for the help i wish i had contacted you earlier. altho i lost him your information will be very useful in the future.
thanks again

Hello Rosie,

Geez, I am sorry to hear that, he was very far gone then.  I am sorry that you lost him.  :-((
Yes, males & females should not be housed together.
As for your other 2 females, you will need to watch them closely.  Sometimes, females do not house well together, either & can turn on each other in a split second.

Let me know if you need anything.
