Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > brown anole bump

brown anole bump

22 13:59:07

I am  worried about my bahama anole he has a blister looking abscess on his left hind leg/lower back. He does not seem to be moving much and is a lighter color than usual. I have a ten gallon tank I mist it three times a day and the temp is usually around 80degrees and 60% humidity. Do you know how this can be treated or if it is bad news?
your advice would be greatly appreciated i am very worried about him.

Hello Susie,

Can you post a picture of him for me?
Do you leave crickets in the tank with him possibly?  
What type of thermometer do you use to measure the temperatures, a stick on type, a digital probe or a temp gun?  
Are you using calcium supplementation on a regular basis?  
I would start treating it with antibiotic ointment right now to see if that will help out a little.  If it doesn't start clearing up soon though you may need to take him in to see the vet so he doesn't get a systemic infection.
